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Welcome to 3rd Grade!
Hi! I'm Mrs. Bonenberger, but most students call me Mrs. B. I've been teaching here at MMW since the school opened and have taught at nearly every grade level. I've had a fun summer with my family and am excited about getting back to school for the 2022-2023 school year! I have already started to set up our classroom, but I still have a lot of work to do to get ready for you in 2 weeks! Our classroom theme is Throw Kindness Like Confetti!
The following is my email address. I'd love to hear from you or your parents before the first day of school. Tell me about yourself, your summer, your fears, and/or your goals. It's also helpful for me to know if you go by a nickname other than what's listed in HAC ( for example, Michael prefers Mike). You can ask any questions about the suggested supply list that's listed on the MMW homepage (same for all of 3rd grade), and please don't worry about having everything on that very first day of school. I promise to check my email daily!
Here are some important dates:
Monday, August 29, 2022: 1st Day of School
Friday, September 2, 2022: off from school
Monday, September 5, 2022: off on Labor Day
A little bit about me:
I have two daughters, ages 11 and 12. They go to Jenkintown Elementary School. The older of the two is starting middle school. The photo at the top is an old one, but one of my favorites!
I read a LOT this summer, and I run a summer book club in my neighborhood for children.
I have two dogs: Charlie and Claude. Both are rescues. I tell stories about them often.
I absolutely love Harry Potter, and visited Universal Orlando for the first time this summer. It was amazing!