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Half Days

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alt-textOn elementary early dismissal days the kindergarten program changes. To accommodate a balanced approach to the program, the AM and PM sessions alternate attending school in the morning on early dismissal days. School hours on early dismissal days are 9:10-12:15.  Your child will be transported home on the same bus in which he/she arrived at school -there is no "Kindergarten" bus. This is different from the regular school day transportation procedures. Please send me a note indicating a change in dismissal plans if your child is not riding the bus home.  Early dismissal days are listed below for your reference. 


October 14- AM Kindergarten attends - NO PM Kindergarten

November 23 – AM Kindergarten attends - NO PM Kindergarten

November 24 – PM Kindergarten attends - NO AM Kindergarten

March 11 – PM Kindergarten attends - NO AM Kindergarten

April 26 – AM Kindergarten attends - NO PM Kindergarten