Medications |
All medications BOTH prescribed and over-the-counter must have a completed Medication Form. Click here for Permission to Administer Medications in School Form *Medication must be brought to school in the original pharmacy container with the current prescription label. Upon request, pharmacists can prepare a duplicate container to be used for school. *All medications must be brought directly to the health office. Students who have medications of any kind in their possession (in lunch boxes, school bags, etc.) may be considered in violation of the school district drug and alcohol policies and may be subject to disciplinary action. A parent or guardian, or other adult designated in writing by the parent or guardian, must transport all medications to and from school. *A licensed registered nurse employed by the school district shall be the only district employee responsible for the administration of medications. *If a licensed registered nurse is unavailable to administer the medication on a time schedule determined by the student’s physician, a care plan will be developed by the school nurse and the parent or guardian to ensure that the dosage is administered as scheduled. *All medications are kept in the health office in a locked cabinet.